Charge Estimation Calculator

Please fill the form to see the price estimation for our service.
Please complete this form
Product dimension
(based on the average size of your products)
Quantity Inbound
(based on item quantity)
≤ 30 x 20 x 15cm
≤ 60 x 70 x 80cm

Product dimension
(based on the average size of your products)
Quantity Outbound
(based on the number transactions)
≤ 30 x 20 x 15cm
≤ 60 x 70 x 80cm
If your product dimension is over than these options, please directly contact our team to calculate the details.
(based on the average weight of your products)
Submitting ...

Thank you !

Your calculation has been sent to your email.

Here is the cost estimate for inbound & outbound based on the data you have input:
{{ res_total }}
Activity ≤ 30 x 20 x 15cm ≤ 60 x 70 x 80cm
Inbound {{ resInboundLowthan30 }} {{ resInboundLowthan60 }}
Outbound {{ resOutboundLowthan30 }} {{ resOutboundLowthan60 }}

*In addition to inbound & outbound fee, we will also charge storage fee that occurs in monthly basis

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PT. Inti Digital Logistik